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Total 12 documents matching your query.

1. RE: Europa-List: ANR Headsets (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 22:28:19
I have used the Headset Inc. conversions in my David Clarks and think they are great. I have been using them for years and I have included their power adapter hard-wired in to my Europa. I hope to ha
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00135.html (9,128 bytes)

2. RE: Europa-List: OSHKOSH Attendees Contact Info (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 22:17:12
I will be attending from Sunday to Saturday and will be bring my Europa N262AE look for me on the flight line or the homebuilt camping area. Richard Schultz - N262AE Houston, Texas 713.703.2156 _____
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2006-07/msg00093.html (9,295 bytes)

3. Europa-List: Oshkosh by air - return by Avis (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 21:54:24
I am looking for ideas on a recurring engine problem that caused me 3 precautionary landings on the way from Oshkosh last weekend. The typical setting was after an hour to hour and a half of cruise f
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2006-08/msg00040.html (10,280 bytes)

4. Europa-List: Oshkosh by air - return by Avis UPDATE (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:43:10
For those keeping up with the story of the engine problem. I used my enclosed trailer to recover the aircraft from its temporary exile in Iowa and have returned it to Houston. I had hoped that the ti
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2006-08/msg00217.html (9,914 bytes)

5. Europa-List: Wing Pip Pins (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 00:56:06
Is there a US source for the AVK BLS4R11N wing pip pins? I misplaced one during my recover efforts and am on the prowl for a local (quick) source I have tried to sort a match and the only thing close
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2006-08/msg00226.html (7,022 bytes)

6. No Subject (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 23:17:23
Those still interested in the results of my 914's loss of power while returning from Oshkosh. The root cause was an inadvertent rubber cap being left on the Rotax static port. It was installed during
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2006-09/msg00261.html (7,324 bytes)

7. Europa-List: HELP my Rotax Won't Stop! (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 22:48:36
Has anyone had problems with a 914 that won't shut down? On a flight today everything started out fine until the first stop, On turning the switch to off the engine kept running, shutting the master
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2007-04/msg00053.html (9,018 bytes)

8. RE: Europa-List: HELP my Rotax Won't Stop! - Problem Fixed (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 17:42:25
Thanks to all who supplied troubleshooting ideas. I ran out to the airport this afternoon armed with good advice on where to start my troubleshooting and my trusty multimeter. After pulling the top c
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2007-04/msg00065.html (8,262 bytes)

9. Europa-List: Canopy Cover (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:28:04
Can someone direct me to a company in the US that makes a good canopy cover for the Europa? I know years ago there was a lot talk about a hot weather cover and a standard "hanger" cover. What is the
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2007-04/msg00094.html (7,467 bytes)

10. RE: Europa-List: surging engine on take-off (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 20:59:53
Ken, This sounds a lot like the problem I had coming back from Oshkosh last year. My problem was surging while in the air and the engine seemed to always work on the ground. My problem was a plugged
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2007-05/msg00109.html (9,509 bytes)

11. RE: Europa-List: Trailer caution (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 23:03:14
The link below will give you some photos of a wing support and holder that I have used. I have used it several times to carry the aircraft in excess of 1000 miles without so much as a hint of damage.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2007-05/msg00303.html (8,713 bytes)

12. RE: Europa-List: Anyone going to Oshkosh? (score: 1)
Author: Richard Schultz <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 23:42:27
Bud and others, I will be bringing 262AE to the big show once again. I plan to arrive the Friday or Saturday before (if it ever stops raining in Texas!). I will most likely park on the flight line (H
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2007-07/msg00077.html (8,578 bytes)

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